I am sorry to report that our stay at Maple Grove Fire Station #2 is coming to an end. Through no fault of our own, we have been asked to leave by the end of the year. This is due to considerations within the city that are beyond our control. I know this is very disappointing, but we need to stay positive and focus on moving forward.
Our General License Study Class and our next two club meetings will still be in the training room at the fire station. We are looking for options for our monthly meetings and training classes after the end of the year. There are lots of choices, we just have to figure out what is best for us.
There will be plenty of volunteer opportunities for packing up the equipment and furniture in the shack and moving it to storage. Watch your email to find out when we schedule these work sessions.
For the foreseeable future, we will still be known as Maple Grove Radio Club. Remember that MGRC is not a place, it is a group of people with a shared hobby, and a desire to serve the public.
On a more positive note, I would like to thank everybody for helping with the Medtronics Twin Cities Marathon. We will continue to serve the public in this way, we do not need a home base for that.
I also want to thank everybody for their support. Everybody has been very positive and coming up with ideas for what we do next.
Benton Jackson