Midwinter Madness is in just two weeks! There are plenty of spots for volunteers, don’t wait until the last minute, that makes the MWM committee nervous. They have done a tremendous job putting this together and need all of our support to make this a successful event. Helpful tip for the event- this is at an ice arena, they will have just melted the ice, and the heating isn’t very good. Wear warm clothes, especially boots!
We’re working on a new committee for the club- after the tech class is over, we’re going to start holding labs on the first Sunday afternoon of each month, probably starting in May. Gordon Patenaude, Clay Bartholow, and Paul Gilsdorf are on the committee so far. The plan is we’re going to do hands-on instruction of various ham radio related topics, starting with soldering kits together. Anything in the ARRL Handbook is fair game, but we’re not going to be limited to that. Let’s improve our skills together!
A new ARRL activity this year is “VOTA”- Volunteers On The Air. Contact as many ARRL members as you can this year. Contacting ARRL field staff gets you extra points. For example, a VE is 12 points, an SEC (me) is 30 points, if you can find our section manager Bill Mitchell, AE0EE, you’ll get 175 points! Another part of it is the opportunity to operate as W1AW/0 from May 9th to 15th. We’ll have more information on how to do that in a future meeting. More information at https://vota.arrl.org/
Benton Jackson, K0BHJ