July was a busy month, with lots of volunteering going on. We had 3 Skywarn activations, several of us helped out with the Jim Deane Memorial Rice Lake Classic Run, and a few spent a week helping out with the MS TRAM, the Ride Across Minnesota. Thanks everybody for helping out!
In August, we have the Antique Car Run on the 10th, from New London to Buffalo to New Brighton. We escort cars over 100 years old on a day-long expedition. They appreciate having radio operators along, because these cars aren’t exactly reliable, and we can call in the tow truck quickly when something goes wrong.
Also in August, we have AERO 101 on the 17th, the first of the Emergency Communications classes from the Association of Emergency Radio Organizations. This is a great way to get trained in the basics of EC. The class continues Sept 21st with AERO 102. Both classes are at MG Fire Station #2 and meet from 8am to noon.
In September we have our elections for the board of directors. This is your chance to help steer the course of Maple Grove Radio Club. You don’t have to be an experienced ham, we need input from new people too. At a minimum, the job consists of attending the board meeting every month, which is usually on Monday evening a week before the club meeting. We also encourage board members to be involved in a committee or organizing an event, but that is not a requirement. If you are enthusiastic about MGRC and want us to succeed, we want your help.
That’s all for this month, see you at the next club meeting on August 6th. Pat Gearty, W0YES, will be giving a recap of Field Day.
2019 Jim Deane Memorial Run from mgco.org
2019 TRAM from willmarradio.com