Open Mic Night for 27 June
20M FT8 S7AW Slovenia R9CP Asiatic Russia SV3DCX Greece LZ116RF Bulgaria 116 years rose festival S57S Slovenia RW9CG Asiatic Russia
Details20M FT8 S7AW Slovenia R9CP Asiatic Russia SV3DCX Greece LZ116RF Bulgaria 116 years rose festival S57S Slovenia RW9CG Asiatic Russia
Details20M FT8 DL9RDM Fed. Republic of Germany and loaded supplies for #arrlfd
DetailsOn June 22 2019 you will find the friendly folks from K0LTC at Gleason Fields in Maple Grove. During Field Day, the club focuses on the three F’s (Food, Friendship and Frequency). This can be in any order depending on your priority. The Address is: 18815 67th Avenue North Maple Grove, MN 55369 Come by…
DetailsHelped Phil(KC0OID) test Radio coverage for the Rice Lake Classic Run 17 m FT8 CO8LY Cuba TG9ANF Guatemala
DetailsJanuary 26th and 27th 1900 UTC (1pm CST) Saturday to 1900 UTC (1pm CST) Sunday We will be 2 Indoor station, two hf stations in the club shack. Anyone is welcome to operate no matter your license. If there is a time frame you want to operate please ask for it. I will be there…
DetailsSkip Jackson (KS0J), Minnesota ARRL Section Manager, visited the Maple Grove Radio Club Field Day. Skip opened Field Day by presenting Roy Wood (W0REW), Maple Grove Radio Club President, with an ARRL Special Service Club banner and the State of Minnesota Proclamation for Amateur Radio Operators Recognition Days. We proudly displayed both items at our…
DetailsDuring Field Day, the club focuses on the three F’s (Food, Friendship and Frequency). This can be in any order depending on your priority. Many Thanks to Jim (KD0RHF) and Ruth (KD0UPR) Classman for providing home-cooked lunch, dinner, breakfast and treats for the club! We were absolutely spoiled! Because she did such a great job…
DetailsThe Board suggests all members wear apparel marked with the club’s logo when volunteering, at the listed events. Below is an order form for Lee’s Pro Shop please call to place an order.