MGRC White Noise Newsletter

Maple Grove Radio Club

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MGRC Mission Statement

Maple Grove Radio Club provides education to current and future amateur radio operators, with the goal of serving the public. We are a reliable communications resource for events and emergencies in Maple Grove and surrounding communities.

President’s Message September 2023

Wow, it’s September already? Where did the summer go.

Thanks everybody who helped at the W1AW/0 activation, the antique car run, and the Ojibwe forest rally last month.

We still have a couple events left to go for this season. We always need more people to help at the Osseo Lions Roar Parade next Saturday, Sept 9th. It’s a great way to see a parade, and the Lions always appreciate our work.

October 1st is the Twin Cities Marathon. All you need is a handheld transceiver and maybe a chair. We are stationed along the route and call in the progress of the race and any events that happen. This year we have another job assigned to us- they want a complete roster of those who are on the SAG buses. Hopefully this should reduce the number of runners unaccounted for.

If you haven’t signed up for it, the 2023 ARRL Minnesota State Convention is sure to be worth your time, with seminars on a lot of diverse ham radio topics. Space is limited, so be sure to sign up early.

Gordy and I had a tremendous opportunity to represent amateur radio to the public safety communications community at the MN-ECN COMMEX. Read my article about it elsewhere in this newsletter.


Benton Jackson, K0BHJ

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2023 MN-ECN COMMEX "NorthStar"

Benton Jackson, K0BHJ, AUXC, COMT

MN ARES Section Emergency Coordinator

The MN Emergency Communications Network (MN-ECN) held a communications exercise at the Camp Ripley national guard base August 21st-24th. This was the third time this exercise has been held, and the first where amateur radio was included in the plan from the beginning.

This is my personal journal; it is not an after-action report. I’m only reporting the events I know about, and I don’t remember all the people involved. There was a lot going on and I was only one part.

Last year, I was invited as ARES Section Emergency Coordinator as an observer, but I had a prior commitment. They were unable to meet one of their objectives, but it turned out a few of the participants were AuxComm (Auxiliary Communicator, or the FEMA resource AUXC) and had amateur gear with them. They were able to complete the objective on amateur radio. This was a great reminder that amateur radio is always a good thing to include in a communications plan.

This year, AuxComm was part of the plan. At least 7 of the invited participants were AUXC, including me. We were told to bring HF and VHF/UHF gear, for voice, WinLink, and DMR, with D-star as a plus. We were all assigned as participants. My goal was to learn how experienced emergency management teams do exercises in an ICS (incident command system) structure, and to show AuxComm and amateur radio in a good light.

On Sunday, I loaded up my van with all the ham radio gear I had that wasn’t bolted down, and even some that was. I was equipped to do everything on the list that was asked for except D-Star.

Monday was mostly classroom and planning. Then we went over our capabilities and were assigned to teams, got a review of ICS forms and WebEOC. The cellular providers gave a talk on the capabilities they were bringing. After lunch, we were briefed on the scenario, which was providing communications for a drone exposition at the nearby county fairgrounds. Just when we were just about done planning for that, we got our first event- there was a major storm in the fictitious town of “Johnsonville”, in the other direction, which was now severely flooded, knocking out all communications. Team 1 was assigned to Johnsonville, my team (2) was reassigned to cover the EOC, and team 3 was assigned to cover the drone event, which would continue without interruption. After a quick debriefing (known as a “hotwash”), that was it for the day.
We got a new situation briefing on Tuesday morning. The weather forecast was for hot and humid in the afternoon, with a heat index over 105. Marlyn Halverson, the Incident Commander, set a threshold of 100 degrees to call of the exercise for the day. There was a new event- an F-16 had shot down a UFO, and team 4, the national guard team, was sent to take care of that. The AUXC were assigned to Team 1 and Team 2. The AUXC on Team 1 were Gordy Hanson, N0ZRD, John Dalin, KA0MYG, and Alex Peterson, K0APR. The COML (communications leader) for Team 1 was Mike Wisniewski, KC0TAF, also an AUXC. Gordy left me with his portable UHF repeater, and then Team 1 left for “Johnsonville”. Team 2 consisted of myself, Bret Erickson, K0BOC, and Chris Schultz, KC0YFX. Chris was also a COMT (communications technician), and he was assigned to that role, tasked with setting up an ARMER (MN public safety radio) console for the Incident Management Team. Brett was assigned to the ARMER radio for the EOC team. I didn’t really have anything to do and was feeling at a loss, when our team COML, Eli Charif, told me to start setting up ham radio gear “just in case” we were needed.

OK- now I know what to do- play radio! I set up a VHF/UHF antenna on a 10 foot pole and my mobile radio from home to access the local VHF repeater and Packet WinLink. There were no VHF WinLink gateways in range, but Johnsonville was in simplex range, so we were able to exchange WinLink test messages. I also used my DMR handheld to contact Dave Ventura, KE0NA, at the EOC at Hennepin County Emergency Management (HCEM). I moved my car close to the back door of the building, where I was setting up my station, to use the mobile antenna on my car with my handheld, so I didn’t have to go outside in the heat. The cement block building with metal roof was almost a faraday cage, nearly impervious to radio. I also set up N0ZRD’s portable repeater, using a drive-over base, 20 feet of mast, and a high gain vertical. I was about to start setting up my HF gear, when I was informed that the heat index was now 100 degrees, and the exercise was suspended. I pulled all the antennas into the garage for the night, and we had a quick hotwash. We were reminded in the hotwash that we were not using the phrase “this is an exercise” nearly often enough in our radio communications.
Wednesday morning, Team 2 was setting up a 50-foot tower trailer with a repeater on an 800 MHz national interoperability frequency, since the national guard team was having trouble contacting the EOC. I asked if I could set up my HF long-wire antenna on it, and they said yes. I now had my 80m-6m off-center-fed dipole 40 feet up, and it tested out great. I set up my HF rig, and had a quick voice contact with Dan Anderson, KD0ASX, at HCEM on 40m (7.218MHz I believe). We then made a Peer-to-Peer WinLink contact on HF, which was a stretch goal for the exercise. Our next events were simple ones designed to test our capabilities of sending WinLink messages, sending ICS forms through an HF gateway, and relaying WinLink messages from Johnsonville. At about 14:00, the incident commander, Marlyn Halverson, told me to send a message to all teams via ARMER that the exercise was ending. Just when we got everything working right! Although I realized I had forgotten to turn my DMR radio on, Team 2 was able to contact me via the portable UHF repeater, so it was all good.
Tower setup
Antenna tower
Figure 5: Antenna tower with my off-center-fed dipole

Thursday Morning was an after-action report meeting, where everybody got to have a say. I think the event was very successful. I learned a lot that I can use in the ARES section and our AERO training. I also felt we demonstrated all the capabilities I planned to use. The last person to speak at the after-action meeting was Dana Wahlberg, the director of MN-ECN. She expressed great appreciation for all that AuxComm volunteers bring to emergency management.

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Maple Grove Radio Club in-person meetings!

In-Person meetings are on the first Tuesday each month.

The meeting starts at 1900 hrs (7:00pm CDT) at the Chester Bird American Legion Post 523 located at 200 Lilac Drive N Golden Valley, MN 55422. Here is a link for directions.
- September 5 -

Presentation by Jon Platt, W0ZQ, on WSJT-x modes other than FT-8
ATTN: This meeting will have the board of directors presentation, where nominations for club board members will be made and decided.

You can also attend by zoom if you are unable to meet in person:
Meeting ID: 948 0429 0777
Password: 674964
Phone: 1-312-626-6799
One tap mobile: +13126266799,,94804290777#,,1#,674964#

MGRC Weekly Practice Net

Our weekly Net is on Wednesdays at 20:200 UTC (8pm), on 147.000, positive offset, tone 114.8. We use directed Net protocol and will have a new question for discussion every week. Please call in if you can reach the K0LTC repeater.
We need a Net operator for the 3rd Wednesday of the month. If you'd like to receive Net operator training please contact

TALARC The American Legion Amateur Radio Club

TALARC has approved MGRC members in good standing to be honorary TALARC members. If you are interested contact Stephen Cullen, KF0AED at Please include your Name, Callsign, Email, and when you joined MGRC, if known.


Lab Class

  • 1st Monday of every month at 5pm
  • NOTE: Because of Labor Day, the Lab Class will meet September 11th at Gordon Patenaude's house: 10909 Independence Ave. N. Champlin, MN. 55316. Topic will be on Coaxial Cables and how S.W.R. and basic cable characteristic/losses drastically effect out intended power and related outcome at the antenna. Info: Gordon Patenaude - WA0WSR.

General License Class, Fall 2023



Chair: Jerry Dorf – N0FWG
  • Next meeting - Lot's to discuss!
    First Thursday 6:30 September 7th.
    See calendar for details.


Chair: Tim Arimond N0BYH
o Shack is operational with HF and VHF/UHF stations.
o Honorary memberships.
▪ Contact Stephen Cullen if interested.
▪ Just need to be an MGRC member in good standing to be eligible
o Meetings 4th Thursday of each month at 7pm.

September Club Calendar of Events

Local Club News

Volunteers On The Air

On Friday, August 4th Maple Grove Radio Club had six operators, five stations, and one sweltering shack operating as W1AW/0 as part of the ARRL’s year-long event celebrating Volunteers on the Air.

In attendance were K0ZTW, KF0LKJ, KF0MHO, KF0ADU, KE0NAQ, and W0ADL calling CQ for 2 hours straight, followed by dinner at the American Legion. We logged 40 QSOs on four bands.

Special thanks to the board members who helped clean out the shack to make room for operators and test radios to make sure they were working properly for the special event. And a very special thank you to Jamie the bartender who brought a surprise cold pitcher to help prevent us from overheating.

The operation was part of Minnesota’s final week of VOTA. Please visit for other states’ schedules and even check the Leaderboard for your own point totals. -Aaron Lewis

Osseo Parade!

Saturday September 9

In addition to providing communication support to the parade, we will be directing parade participants to their assigned starting location, monitoring parade progress from fixed locations and bicycles, running our own float in the parade, and helping with cleanup after the parade. Contact: James E Claseman, KD0RHF

Board Members

• President: Benton Jackson – K0BHJ (2018)
• Vice President: Zack Whitney – K0ZTW (2021)
• Secretary: William Oliver – KF0ADU (2022)
• Treasurer: Paul Odens K0AID (2023)
• Trustee K0LTC: Jerry Dorf – N0FWG
• Board Member: Tim Georgi – KD0SFH (2018)
• Board Member: Kelly Murphy – KB0LTY (2019)
• Board Member: Clay Bartholow – W0LED (2021)
• Board Member: David Englund – K0NOC (2022)
• Board Member: Gordon Patenaude WA0WSR (2023)
• Board Member: Stephen Cullen KF0AED (2023)

P.O. Box 22613,
Minneapolis MN 55422
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