July 2024 - Maple Grove Radio Club

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MGRC Mission Statement

Maple Grove Radio Club provides education to current and future amateur radio operators, with the goal of serving the public. We are a reliable communications resource for events and emergencies in Maple Grove and surrounding communities.

Field Day Pictures

President's Message

Happy July! I hope everyone had a great field day and didn’t let the rain wash you away. I wish I could have been there, you’ll have to keep me posted on all of the good stories. Thanks to Aaron and Roy for coordinating, Paul for the food and everyone else that helped!
Another big announcement is that we have air conditioning in the shack. It is only to be run when you're in there. Please note it currently has a drain line into a water jug. Keep an eye on it if operating for an extended period of time and make sure to drain it as needed. Again shut it off when you are done for the day. Thanks to Aaron for the install! Just in time for a hot July.
Our next event coming up is Rice Lake Fun Run. Please sign up via the sign up genius link sent out by Stephen if you can attend. It’s a quick event and nice and close in Maple Grove. You only need a hand held radio to volunteer.
Thanks to Stephen for running the July shortened meeting after field day. Our next meeting will be August 6th at 7pm. The presentation will be on Fox Hunts by Matt Kaskavitch. With our recent real world request to help hunt a transmitter that fell through this should be a great presentation on what to do and how to do it!
We also have the Antique Car Run looking for volunteers. That is August 10th, the weekend after our meeting. Please get that on your calendar now.
Have a safe and happy 4th of July!
Zach Whitney

Connect and Get Your Questions Answered

All club members are invited to join our groups.io forum. Please go to https://groups.io/g/MGRC/join to join. It should take less than a day for a moderator to approve. This form is a great way to get any technical questions answered.
Similarly, all club members are welcome to join our Slack chat:
Additionally, please follow the Maple Grove Radio Club Facebook page for frequent updates on club member activities.

Maple Grove Radio Club in-person meetings!

In-Person meetings are on the first Tuesday each month.

The meeting starts at 1900 hrs (7:00pm CDT) at the Chester Bird American Legion Post 523 located at 200 Lilac Drive N Golden Valley, MN 55422. Here is a link for directions.

Our July meeting was held at Field day. The next meeting will be August 6th.

You can also attend by zoom if you are unable to meet in person:
Meeting ID: 948 0429 0777
Password: 674964
Phone: 1-312-626-6799
One tap mobile: +13126266799,,94804290777#,,1#,674964#

Next Board Meeting

- July 18 -
Members are welcome to attend MGRC Board Meetings (only board members can vote), which are typically the 3rd Thursday of each month.
Board meetings are always by zoom. Please contact President@k0ltc.or or any board member or officer if you would like the Zoom meeting link to attend.

MGRC Weekly Net

Our weekly Net is on Wednesdays at 20:00 UTC (8pm), on 147.000, positive offset, tone 114.8. We use directed Net protocol and will have a new question for discussion every week. Please call in if you can reach the K0LTC repeater. We need additional NET Operators! If you'd like to receive Net operator training please contact President@k0ltc.org.

A Taste Of A Lab Class

Lab classes delve deep into the Science and Art of Amateur Radio. The subject matter can go as deep as you would like. This video below was shared at a lab class and gives you a taste of what to expect.
Similiarities of Wave Behavior
What amazes me about this video is that you can literally see the standing wave. Which help give a more intuitive understanding of what is actually occurring in the feed line and antenna. Unfortunately Lab classes have been postponed but I would highly recommend going when they are offered.

TALARC The American Legion Amateur Radio Club

  • Chair: Tim Arimond - N0BYH.
  • Shack is operational with VHF/UHF stations (HF antenna temporarily down).
  • Contact Stephen Cullen if interested in shack access: KF0AED9@gmail.com.
  • Just need to be an MGRC member in good standing to be eligible for honorary membership.
  • Zoom meetings 4th Thursday of each month at 7pm.

July Club Calendar of Events

July Calendar Events

Interesting Media

ARRL 2024 National Convention Playlist
Did you miss Hamvention this year? Well fear not ARRL has created a YouTube playlist with many of the presentations. Hopefully all the sessions will make it up to t

DX Mentor Episode 41 - 6M EME
Since I'm a relatively new ham I find DX and Earth Moon Earth (EME) operating very interesting. Episode 41 of the DX Mentor they talk with David, KJ9I all about 6 meters EME.
 Designing for a Certain Impedance (#1128)
Watching Dave Casler's videos are like a little lab class. He covers many topics in amateur radio. This video in particular is about antennas with different impedance. He posts multiple times a week so you for sure can find something to tickle your fancy.


ARRL Learning Center Features Two New Emergency Communication Training Courses

ARRL has released two new courses to train emergency communications (EmComm) operators for volunteering within the Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES®). Both courses are within the ARRL Learning Center.

The Basic EmComm course is designed to get a new volunteer started. It provides basic knowledge and tools for any emergency communications volunteer and contains three modules and 11 topics, including required prerequisites. It's expected to take approximately 10 - 20 hours to complete.

The Intermediate EmComm course builds on the lessons learned in the first course and equips volunteer radio amateurs with the tools needed to thrive in the fast-paced environment of public service communications and to understand the legal rights and responsibilities of working with a served agency, as well as teach them and how ham radio fits into the broader incident command (IC) structure.

The new courses replace the previous EC-001 and EC-016 programs, however, certificates of completion earned for the previous courses are still valid. "Training is not a one-and-done thing. Throughout my firefighting and emergency management career, we were constantly taking new courses to reinforce existing knowledge and introduce new concepts," said ARRL Director of Emergency Management Josh Johnston, KE5MHV. "Engaged volunteers should want to stay up to date on advances in the science of emergency communications. I'd even encourage veteran operators to take the new courses."

Upcoming State, Section, and Division Conventions

  • July 12 -13 | HamCon: Zion, sponsoring the ARRL Rocky Mountain Division Convention, St. George, Utah
  • July 13 | SVARC Summer Hamfest, sponsoring the ARRL North Dakota Section Convention, Minot, North Dakota
  • July 20 | SEARC Tailgate Hamfest, sponsoring the ARRL South Dakota State Convention, Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Board Members

• President: Zack Whitney – K0ZTW (2021)
• Vice President: Stephen Cullen – KF0AED (2023)
• Secretary: William Oliver – KF0ADU (2022)
• Treasurer: Barb Hanson KD0HUV (2024)
• Trustee K0LTC: Jerry Dorf – N0FWG
• Board Member: Kelly Murphy – KB0LTY (2019)
• Board Member: Clay Bartholow – W0LED (2021)
• Board Member: David Englund – K0NOC (2022)
• Board Member: Gordon Patenaude WA0WSR (2023)
• Board Member: Aaron David Lewis – W0ADL (2024)
• Board Member: Scott Henley – KF0FFE (2024)

P.O. Box 22613,
Minneapolis MN 55422
Archives: https://k0ltc.org/newsletter-archive/
Love it, or hate it? Please send all correspondence to newsletter@k0ltc.org I would love to hear your thoughts or content submissions. KFøMHO
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